Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sensory Rich Environments to Support Learning for Young Children

Society for Healthy Sensory Processing Development welcomed Margo Running as speaker to its first presentation. She spoke about creating sensory rich environments to support learning for young children leaving the audience with an understanding that the development and protection of our child’s senses form the foundation for learning. If a child doesn’t properly develop the sensory systems, the child won’t have a solid base for their academic learning. Too often, our children are rushed into academic learning.
As we rushed the kids out of the house this morning, I remembered Margo Running stressing the importance of the “pause”. It isn’t easy, but especially with our children with SPD issues, let’s remember that rushing will just cause frustration and unhappiness; their brains just don’t work that fast….it’s like asking a cat to bark. It’s not going to happen. Pause.

That was yesturday. I would like to admit that I actually took a pause, but life is busy. And I have so much to do… I won’t be able to write everything I’d like to about Margo’s talk. But that’s okay because we’ll invite her again and those of you who missed her will get other chances to hear her. Those of you who attended the talk last week, thank you for coming and for your generous donations!

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects at least one in twenty children. Children with SPD don't process or experience sensory information the way other typical children do; therfore, they don't behave the way other children do. They struggle to perform tasks that come easier for other children. Consequently they suffer a loss of quality in their social, personal, emotional and academic life.

The Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation is dedicated to continue their research into the knowledge and treatment of SPD, so that, as Lucy Jane Miller writes in her book "Sensations Kids", "the millions of sensational children currently "muddling through" daily life will enjoy the same hope and help that research and recognition already have bestowed on coutless other conditions that once baffled science and disrupted lives."